5 Indicators to measure your lifestyle

How can you measure if you need to make a change in your lifestyle?

Rey HS
3 min readOct 24, 2022
How can you measure if you are living a healthy lifestyle?

Indicators help us measure the current state of something, a project, or a business, in this case, I came up with 5 indicators that assess attitudes and practices that lead to a healthy and happy lifestyle:

  1. Thanks/Complain Ratio
  2. Minutes of sunlight
  3. Hours of purposeful work
  4. Minutes of exercise
  5. Minutes Unplugged

These indicators can help you identify where you need to make changes in your life.

1. Thanks/Complaint Ratio

Complaints are like farting, it’s energetic pollution. Gratitude is the opposite, it freshens the space, and makes everything more beautiful. If you say thanks 10 times for every complaint, you are in a positive mindset and probably have good relationships. If you give thanks once for every ten complaints you are focusing on what's wrong, and possibly there’s a lot of drama surrounding you.

It’s hard to be grateful during a difficult time, but if you don’t learn to do it you won’t be grateful when things get better, and you will never be happy.

2. Minutes of sunlight

We evolved with the sun. The sun guides every living being on this planet. Every person needs to get a fix. Get at least 15 minutes every day. Bonus points if you get to see sunrise and sunset on the same day. Getting enough sunlight will improve your mood, energy, and sleep.

3. Hours of purposeful work

Many people live frustrated because they feel that their jobs are meaningless or that they are not tapping their true potential. Investing any amount of time doing work you care about will boost your mind and spirit.

If you have 0 hours of purposeful work every day, it means that either you are not creating space for what matters to you or that you don’t know what matters to you.

4. Minutes of exercise

We didn’t evolve to sit down facing a screen for 8+ hours. Our bodies are wonderful creations that demand movement. It doesn’t matter what you do, just start doing something. Go for a walk and listen to a podcast, play your favorite sport, lift weights, and just start moving.

5. Minutes unplugged

Time spent without looking at your screen or responding to notifications. I don’t think this one needs explanation, everyone I know feels they should spend less time on their phones. I don’t look at my phone the first hour after I wake up, do some meditation, journaling, exercise and set intentions for the day. Now I am mastering 2 hours of deep work. If one hour is too much just try 15 minutes and do some of the above

The ultimate Indicator: Sleep

Sleep is the ultimate indicator of health. If you sleep well you are living well. All of the above are conducive to better sleep. Fixing your sleep will make you improve your life in every way.

How’s your lifestyle according to these indicators? How do you measure the quality of your lifestyle?

Follow me on Instagram to get more useful information on how to design a healthy and happy lifestyle.

